2010年10月9日 星期六

lost my way

When I went to the night market last Sunday, I lose my way.

The worst, when I went back to the Hsinchu train station from night market, I lose my way again.
Oh my god. I am really stupid on recognize roads.
However, I am very appreciate the man who holp me.
After this experience, I think if we want to go to anywhere, my friends should accompany me.

2010年10月3日 星期日


I didn't go home this weekend because I need to work. I miss my parents so much.
I'm so happy, because I will go to night market tonight.Before that I should do my homework.
I ate too much food. Oh my god! I need to lost weight. God bless me.
My friend got a car accident yesterday, I think god should bless her first.